Story about Bugs

by Howard

Once upon a time there was a very big house on the edge of a cliff. A boy called James lived there with his dog, his father, and his mother.

The little boy was fascinated by bugs. He had lots of them in his laboratory and watched them every day through his very powerful microscope.

One day he was playing in the garden with his dog, Ludwig. Ludwig was so big that James could get on his back the the dog would run all around the garden.

James was playing next to the roses and saw a funny liquid, which he put into a Sinalco bottle.

He rushed to his lab and tried to figure out what the liquid was. He accidently dropped the bottle on his carpet. He picked up the pieces of glass and could not see the liquid any more. His mother, Mrs. Wilson, called him up to go to bed.

The next morning he rushed downstairs to have breakfast. While he was having breakfast, he heard a glass break down in his lab.

He rushed downstairs and found a huge monster eating all his experiments. He rushed back upstairs and called the police and his parents.

While he was waiting for them, he prepared all his pellet guns and catapults.

The police arrived ten minutes later and rushed downstairs to James' lab and shot the monster. The monster was dead.

James' parents arrived and were happy that their son was all right.



Some questions to ponder...

1. How did James keep from falling over the cliff?
2. Where had the funny liquid come from?
3. In which way was the liquid "funny"?
4. The characters in this story do a lot of rushin'. Do they know Sergei?
5. How do you suppose the monster's mother felt about her son's fate?


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